Know Muelle Uno!
One day at the Malaga's port Muelle Uno. Shtandart frigate's arrival.
12 of September 2021
Muelle Uno in Málaga is a modern port that offers multiple activities such as shopping, dining, concerts, theater and … ships observing. The port was opened in 2011 and became an essential part of every citizen of Málaga.
Speaking about the ships, the port constantly receives original ships and yachts from all over the world, and if you are really into it, you should definitely check the agenda of Muelle Uno to not to miss anything exciting.
In the morning of September 2021 we went to Muelle Uno to visit a replica of a famous frigate Shtandart from Saint-Petersburg. The original frigate belonged to Peter the Great and was built in 1703 to defend the city of St. Petersburg. The current Shtandart, built in 1999, has been used as a training sailboat.
You can pay a fair price, choose a route and become a member of the crew as a sailor, and literally fully experience life of a sailor of the 18th century: watchkeeping, learn all important aspects of sailing, cleaning of the decks and cooking, of course, all these activities are performed under supervision of professional crew members. You can follow the route of the Shtandart frigate and sign up here.
We met a smiling captain of this ship, and a polite young sailor girl answered all our questions. Basically, the things I cared about were: does sleeping in the hammock hurt the back and if the food was good here. I’m probably getting old. By the way, if you have problems with your back, you will be sleeping on a hard surface, and the food here is very good – four times a day, including fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. What can I say, if I didn’t have my permanent office job, I would go sailing with these guys without any doubt. By the way, I am afraid it would be difficult to combine a remote job with the sailor’s duties, because after a long hard sailor’s work shift the hammock is so attractive!
Historical facts about the Peter the Great’s frigate
The frigate Shtandart has a great importance in the history of the Russian navy. Peter the Great participated in its design and construction in 1703. The frigate Shtandart was the flagship of the Baltic Fleet and a royal yacht. It was used for protection of new trade routes and the newly built city of St. Petersberg.
300 years ago, Russia regained its lands in the Baltic region. A new trade route over the Baltic Sea and new borders needed protection. By decree of Peter I, the construction of the navy began, and the Frigate Shtandart became the first and the flagship of the fleet.
Muelle Uno is receiving many interesting ships, a couple of years ago we queued 6 hours in order to visit a Spanish submarine. I am a fan of ships and boats, and 6 hours of waiting wasn’t a problem for me, nor for other people who were standing in line with me. It was worth waiting for!